A Divine Fury – D V Bishop

Format: Hardback

Published by: MacMillan

Published: 20.06.24


Florence. Autumn, 1539.

Cesare Aldo was once an officer for the city’s most feared criminal court. Following a period of exile, he is back – but demoted to night patrol, when only the drunk and the dangerous roam the streets.

Chasing a suspect in the rain, Aldo discovers a horrifying scene beneath Michelangelo’s statue of David. Lifeless eyes gaze from the face of a man whose body has been posed as if crucified. It’s clear the killer had religious motives.

When more bodies appear, Aldo believes an unholy murderer is stalking the citizens of Florence. Watching. Hunting. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike again . . .

My Thoughts: (spoiler free)

Rating *****

Every now and then a series comes along which just blows you away with the quality of writing and storytelling, for me the Cesare Aldo series is one such, it shines like a beacon in the darkness. A dramatic and exhilarating read with a vibrancy borne out of taking the reader back in time.

A Divine Fury is the latest in this acclaimed series and whilst is easily reads as a standalone, I would recommend that you read the previous three books first, as much as for the character development, but the sheet joy each book brings.

There is so much to admire about this book, apart from the plot and the storytelling. Firstly the deft quality of the writing has a magical way of transporting you back to the period, it has a vibrancy that evokes a real sense of not only place but time, you can imagine walking the streets of 16th century Florence, the sights and sounds, with a feel for the geography and topography. The author makes the pages come alive

Then you have politics of the time between Florence and Venice, the power struggles where spies abound, there is plenty of intrigue, where the church can be all powerful

The plotting is slick, rich in historical detail, flows at a pace that befits the period

Having read the previous books the central characters are well familiar to me, Aldo is a most interesting character, scholarly, not afraid to speak his mind, though at the same time someone who knows how to play the system and the game, quick thinking, sometimes appears conflicted especially as the truth cannot be made public for his feelings for Saul. The characters in the book are so relatable, I love the way the author gives a real voice to all his characters.

Then you have Contessa Valentine Coltello, a woman that knows what she wants and how to get it, devious, cunning and manipulative, it was really interesting to see in the interplay between her and Aldo each trying to outwit each other, you can feel how cautious they are around each other, and the mutual respect

Murder abounds on the streets of Florence and Strocchi and Cesare are given little time to get results, thus heightening the pace and the tension within the story, as the truth is slowly drawn out it becomes apparent that there are two threads of the plot in play, the final reveal is masterful in its construct, where Aldo has to use all his guile to extract the truth

An immersive read which had me drawn in from the open page I was lost in a world of murder and intrigue, rich and atmospheric, historical crime fiction doesn’t get any better

The ending has now left me wondering where Aldo will appear next, though I feel it will open up a new horizon and a new chapter in his life

There is a reason why D V Bishop is a CWA Historical Dagger winner, for me one of the finest writers of historical crime fiction

One to highly recommend

About the Author:

D. V. Bishop writes the award-winning Cesare Aldo historical thrillers set in Renaissance Florence. CITY OF VENGEANCE (2021) won the New Zealand Booklovers Award for best novel, and was shortlisted for the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize. THE DARKEST SIN (2022) won the prestigious Crime Writers’ Assocation Historical Dagger, while RITUAL OF FIRE (2023) was longlisted for the McIlvanney Prize.

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